
Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence

  • Date. 01/01/20
  • Author. Rym Loucif
  • Category. Publications


(Minor revision 13/07/2020) Algeria introduced a new hydrocarbon law in January 2020.[1] The new law clarifies many areas of uncertainty and introduces a certain flexibility in the conduct of Upstream Activities by providing several forms of Hydrocarbon Contracts. The law contains many commendable aspects, including the reintroduction of the production sharing contract existing under the former Law No.86-14 of 19 August 1986, which was in its time of notable success, and generated some of the great discoveries of the 1990s. The law also adopts a pragmatic and measured approach in terms of taxation, since if the project’s economy were to be threatened as a result of the application of taxes, tax reductions could also be applied in order to achieve “reasonable economic profitability”.

The full article is available Here